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Post Concussion Syndrome

I fell on the ice in February 2016 and was diagnosed with a concussion. I could not walk, I was hyper-sensitive to light and sounds, I could not drive and I was in pain and had headaches ALL THE TIME. I couldn’t do anything. I could not work. I stayed in a dark bedroom with no noise. I went to a neurologist who prescribed Physical Therapy (???). The PT Clinic said they could do nothing for me. Since coming to Dr. Childs, I have NO HEADACHES. I can function in my house. My hyper-sensitivity has improved, I can walk and can do anything I want to. I can now get back out and do the things that I want to!

"When I came to Corrective Chiropractic, my Post Concussion and also Irritable Bowel had taken over my life. I had chronic headaches and neck pain from the concussion and with the IBS I could not sleep nor deal with anxiety. Since coming to Drs. Childs and Durr, my head and neck pain has diminished, I am eating better and I am able to do things with my family, perform day-to-day things and I HAVE MY LIFE BACK!"

"I had memory problems, couldn't sleep, very sensitive to light, couldn't go into school for a month ... Dr. Childs has more 1 on 1 care ... Everything has improved, my eyes don't hurt anymore, I am going back to school, I got into the colleges that I wanted to."

"I had two and a half years post concussion symptoms, I was unable to work and unable to function around the house. After treatments at Dr. Child's practice, I have myself back, and I have my life back!"

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797 East Lancaster Ave., Suite 7 Downingtown, Pa. 19335 | 610-518-3370
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