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  • Know Your Child

    An in-depth analysis of a what happens during and after a concussion

  • Research

    We use strictly research based practices. Read this Concussion research compiled by Neurologist Dr. David Traster to gain a deeper knowledge of what we specialize in.

  • Advanced Testing

    We combine the latest research-backed neurological examinations and advanced neurological testing.

  • Concussion Baseline

    Have your young athlete's brain function evaluated in advance In case of a future head injury.

Headache Relief
Migraine Relief Information

Have You or A Loved One Suffered A Concussion That Has Not Improved Fully With The Standard Protocol Of Rest & Medications?

Are You Still Having Post-Concussion Symptoms Such as:

- Headaches

- Dizziness, Vertigo, Poor Balance

- Light and Sound Sensitivity

- Poor Sleep

- Depression

- Poor Concentration

- Altered Sensation such as Numbness

- Altered Movement or Gait

Were you involved in an accident or had a fall and hit your head? Has your Child or teenage athlete followed all the typical rest protocols and passed all the neurocognitive testing but still suffering post-concussion symptoms?

The Doctors at Corrective Chiropractic Neurology and Functional Medicine Center care for those suffering from Post-Concussion Syndrome using evidence-based drug-free Functional Neurology and Functional Nutrition To learn more about this approach watch this video and read: Our Unique Approach.

  • When I came to Corrective Chiropractic, my POST CONCUSSION and also IRRITABLE BOWEL had taken over my life...
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Check Out Dr. Childs' Concussion Video!
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797 East Lancaster Ave., Suite 7 Downingtown, Pa. 19335 | 610-518-3370
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